Local Council Clerk Week: A Celebration of the Unsung Heroes of Local Government
10-14th July 2023


Northants CALC and SLCC Northamptonshire Branch are delighted to join together in celebrating Local Council Clerk Week (10 - 14 July 2023). This is our chance to say a big thank you to all the parish and town council clerks in Northamptonshire for their hard work and dedication.

Local council clerks are the unsung heroes of local government. They work tirelessly behind the scenes to make sure that their councils are running smoothly. They are responsible for a wide range of tasks, including:

  • Managing the council's finances

  • Preparing for and administering council meetings

  • Providing advice to councillors

  • Supporting community events

  • Liaising with other local authorities

In addition to these essential tasks, local council clerks also play a vital role in supporting their communities. They are often the first point of contact for residents with queries or concerns. They also work closely with other community groups to help make Northamptonshire a better place to live.

We are incredibly grateful for the hard work and dedication of all local council clerks in Northamptonshire. They are the glue that holds our communities together and without them, our councils would not be able to function as effectively.

We would like to encourage everyone to take the time to thank their clerk during Local Council Clerk Week. A simple thank you can go a long way in showing your appreciation for their hard work.

We are committed to supporting local council clerks in Northamptonshire and we will continue to work with them to address the challenges they face and ensure that they have the resources they need to do their jobs effectively.

In the meantime, THANK YOU, you truly are community heroes!

P.S. If you would like to thank your local council clerk during Local Council Clerk Week (10 - 14 July 2023), please use the hashtag #LCCW2023 on social media.

The above statement can be download as a PDF here:

Armed Forces Community Hub Dates - July-September 2023