Event Postponed
Local Council's Safer Communities Event

With regret we have taken the decision today to postpone the planned Safer Communities event, which was due to take place at 1000 on Tuesday 26 March 2024 at Towcestrians Sports Club, Towcester.  We will look towards another date later in the year.

We advertised the event in the usual way in January and early February and were surprised that we didn’t get many bookings.  We then put out a reminder on 26 February 2024 with a survey to ask if there was any reason for not booking and the overwhelming response was that the date didn’t work.  It is the Tuesday before the Easter weekend, and it seems that a lot of people are away already.  We received more than 40 responses along the lines of “Would love to have been there but I can’t make that day”. 

Consequently, we have decided to postpone, rather than continue with sub-optimal numbers. 

For Finance for Councillors