New Event for Councils in the North
North Northamptonshire Council Local Area Partnership (LAP) Briefing

The Local Area Partnerships (LAPs) currently brings together elected members, voluntary and community sector, and statutory organisations to help shape approaches for reducing health inequalities and improve health and wellbeing outcomes for your area. There are 7 LAPs in North Northamptonshire, governed by Community Wellbeing Forums and we invite you to find out more and get involved in your local LAP.  

Parish and Town Councils have an important role within the LAPs as they know their communities well.  They know what is working, what is not working and where there are gaps.  Please join the LAP co-ordinators online to see how you can make a difference and how you can get involved. 

 At this event you will:

Have an opportunity to get to know your LAP coordinator for your area. 

Hear about current Themes the LAPs are working on 

Reflect on current LAP achievements.

Discuss how we can work together as communities, to improve community Health and Wellbeing

13 March 2024 10:30-12:00 

14 March 2024 19:00-20:30

New Events for Councils in the West