NEW: Officer Development Framework


Following the success of the Councillor Development Framework we have developed a framework of training for new clerks. 

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We appreciate that becoming a new clerk, especially if you’re new to the sector, can be very overwhelming with lots of things you need to learn and not knowing which training courses you need to prioritise. Well, worry no more! We’ve created the Officer Development Framework which sets out what training needs to be prioritised. There are three stages to the Officer Development Framework; Essential, Skilled and Master. Under each stage we’ve listed various training courses, e-learning and reading that would be helpful to new clerks in their learning journey. 

Whilst we’ve laid out the various learning topics under different headings there’s no need to complete one stage before moving onto the next; you can complete the learning in any order. We have also not set a timeframe as to when this training needs to be done as it will very much depend on your availability and the course availability as well as your training budget. 

We’ve created a handy workbook for you to make notes and keep track of your learning journey across the various stages; this can be completed digitally or we have created a print friendly version for those who prefer hard copies. In addition to the workbook, we’ve created a sample training matrix for you to keep a record of your learning journey. 

Once you’ve completed a stage in full, send your completed workbook to and you will receive your certificate (in addition to the certificate for each individual course!) for the stage you have completed. Any courses you’ve attended already can be marked off as complete in your workbook. 

You can find out more about the Officer Development Framework and download the workbook and training matrix from this page

I hope you find it useful in your new role as a clerk.

New Course!
How to Handle Complaints