Training Workshop

Building Resilience, Emotional Intelligence and Personal Confidence to help you thrive as a Clerk or Council Officer
3rd July 2024 10am-4pm
Banbury Town Hall, 1 Bridge Street, Banbury OX16 5QB

This day-long, in-person workshop, delivered by Breakthrough Communications, is designed to equip parish and town council staff with the essential skills to thrive in their roles by harnessing the power of resilience and emotional intelligence.

Participants will delve into practical strategies and scenarios tailored to the unique challenges faced within council environments.

Through interactive sessions and discussions, attendees will gain insights into the origins of their own behaviour and that of other people, the importance of resilience in council roles, and effective methods to build and sustain emotional intelligence.

We'll develop personal skillsets including assertiveness, active listening, giving and receiving feedback and skills to be more confident.

Delegate Fee:
£50 (includes lunch)

*Early Bird Discount*
Book by 31st May for just £35 (includes lunch)

How to Register
Email: for a booking form and payment details

Being a Good Employer
Essential Training for Councils