Things Councils should do, but don’t

Course Description

This session will give councils an overview of the things they should be doing but possibly aren't.

We would recommend that as a minimum, a representative from the council as the employer attends (i.e. a councillor).

This is an interactive course  and offers the opportunity to network with Councillors from Councils across Northamptonshire to share best practice and ideas.

Key areas covered in this course include:

  • Check Entitlement to Work in the U.K.

  • Conduct Health and Safety Induction Training.

  • Register with HMRC and have a Pension Scheme.

  • Check the Employment Status of contractors.

  • Have a secure, encrypted memory cloud storage base, if the Clerk works from home.

Who Should Attend?

The course is for both clerks and councillors.


Course tutor

Chris Moses

Managing Director, Personnel Advice and Solutions Limited

Chris Moses holds a Masters Degree in Employment Law, with Distinction, from Leicester University. He is also a Chartered Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development and has over twenty years front line HR experience. He has over fifteen years experience of helping small Councils to comply with their legal obligations as Employers.

Date, Time and Venue

Training & Events: Terms and Conditions