
26 articles

Adverse Possession - March/April 2023 Edition

The term “adverse possession” is used in English land law to describe how someone or a legal entity…

Assets of Community Value - May/June 2023 Edition

Do you know your ACV from your elbow? The Northants CALC Asset Mapping project (AMP) carried out in…

Audit Deadline Approaching - 23 June 2023

Audit Deadline Approaching All, I repeat, ALL, parish and town councils and parish meetings must ap…

Bigger Fines Possible for Littering and Fly-Tipping - 14 July 2023

Bigger Fines Possible for Littering and Fly-Tipping The Department for the Environment, Food and Ru…

D-Day 80 - 16 June 2023

D-Day 80 6 June 2024 marks the 80th Anniversary of the D-Day landings and parish and town councils…

Declarations of Interest - March/April 2023 Edition

Following on from the article above, when, and how should a councillor declare their interests in m…

Devolution and Asset Transfer - May/June 2023 Edition

Article by Lesley Sambrook Smith Neither unitary council has indicated that wholesale devolution is…

End of Year Accounts and Audit - March/April 2023 Edition

All parish and town councils must prepare accounts in accordance with the legal requirements. The p…

Energy Buying Partnership - 02 June 2023

Energy Buying Partnership Our partner, Clear Utility Solutions (CUS), is excited to announce that i…

How Secure Is Your Password? - May/June 2023 Edition

A typical parish or town councillor might have two or three passwords associated with their role as…

I Wish To Make A Complaint - January/February 2023 Edition

Receiving an email that starts with the words “I wish to make a complaint about…” is enough to stri…

Interesting, Alarmingly Interesting - May/June 2023 Edition

Let’s consider two relatively straightforward questions… Q1. What is Northants CALC? Northants CALC…

Local Area Partnerships (LAPS) - January/February 2023 Edition

Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) are partnerships that bring together NHS organisations, local author…

Local Council Clerk Week - 07 July 2023

Local Council Clerk Week Next week (10 – 14 July 2023) is Local Council Clerk Week , a week of cele…

Northants Litter Wombles - May/June 2023 Edition

Article by Sally Romain, Chair of the Northants Litter Wombles The Northants Litter Wombles (NLW’s)…

Planning Confines - March/April 2023 Edition

Many parts of Northamptonshire have “planning confines” or “village envelope”, essentially an imagi…

Planning Department Reviews - March/April 2023 Edition

The peer review of West Northamptonshire Council’s (WNC’s) planning service conducted by the Planni…

Registrations of Interest - March/April 2023 Edition

Every parish and town councillor is required to disclose certain interests, including their occupat…

Sector Oomph - January/February 2023 Edition

Parish and town councils are essentially people organisations. Their success depends on the calibre…

Shining a Spotlight on Rural Community Needs - 09 June 2023

Shining a Spotlight on Rural Community Needs In collaboration with key stakeholders, Northamptonshi…

Speed Of Planning Decisions - 09 June 2023

Speed Of Planning Decisions The Local Planning Authorities (LPAs) in Northamptonshire are North Nor…

Staff Appraisals - January/February 2023 Edition

An article by Chris Moses, Managing Director, Personnel Advice & Solutions Ltd. As we approach the…

The 2023/24 Precept - March/April 2023 Edition

It’s an interesting year to look at precepts. On the one hand we have the cost-ofliving crisis, whi…

The Annual Parish Meeting - May/June 2023 Edition

Schedule 12, Part III, para 14(1) of the Local Government Act 1972 provides that “ The parish meeti…

The Circuit - 7 July 2023 and Circuit Clarification - 14 July 2023

The Circuit Does your council have a defibrillator? If so, it must be registered with The Circuit,…

Working For You & With You - 23 June 2023

Working For You & With You As I agreed with one clerk this week, there is no such thing as a quiet…