D-Day 80 - 16 June 2023

Last updated: 25 September 2023 at 16:48:18 UTC by JAMS Assistant

D-Day 80

6 June 2024 marks the 80th Anniversary of the D-Day landings and parish and town councils are encouraged to take part by lighting a Beacon on that day representing the ‘light of peace’ that emerged from the darkness of war.  The King’s Pageantmaster, Bruno Peek, has produced a Guide To Taking Part and this, along with the official logo for the event, and the Certificate of Grateful Recognition, can now be downloaded from www.d-day80beacons.co.uk. Page 3 of the guide includes a message from the Prime Minister encouraging communities to take part, with the Introduction to D-Day 80 on pages 5 - 6, along with the International Tribute on page 18, to be read out as Beacons are being lit that evening.  A “beacon” can be anything from a small bonfire to a gas or even laser display.  Please do consider taking part and see the guide for all the details.