Local Council Clerk Week - 07 July 2023

Last updated: 25 September 2023 at 16:48:18 UTC by JAMS Assistant

Local Council Clerk Week

Next week (10 – 14 July 2023) is Local Council Clerk Week, a week of celebration aimed at raising the profile of the role of the clerk and recognising the work clerks do for their communities.  Northants CALC and the SLCC Northamptonshire Branch have issued a joint statement for Local Council Clerk Week, which you can find here: https://rb.gy/lbjvu.  Northants CALC has prepared a social media campaign for next week, so please follow https://twitter.com/ceo_ncalc and like and retweet.  We will be using the hashtag #LCCW2023 across our social media platforms.  Please could all councillors take the opportunity to thank your clerk; your council wouldn’t function without them!