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CSE Climate Conference Presentation

Last updated: 25 September 2023 at 16:48:18 UTC by JAMS Assistant

Megan Blyth - Centre for Sustainable Energy

One of the speakers at the Northants CALC Climate Conference (2022) was Megan Blyth from the Centre for Sustainable Energy. A major part of her role has been supporting young people through the Bright Green Future and 3 Green Influencers programmes. Megan also works on projects supporting communities with their own energy projects, and local councils through the Parish Climate Action Day events. Megan has also worked alongside Research & Analysis evaluating energy advice projects and Household Energy Services offering energy advice. Megan described what a “carbon footprint” is and the importance of measuring it accurately. She explained the features and benefits of the IMPACT Tool (https://impact-tool.org.uk) to calculate an organisation or a community’s carbon footprint. There are two measures: the Territorial footprint, which considers emissions arising within a given area, including emissions from industry, roads, and agriculture, and the Consumption footprint, which is based on individual property data, which can then be aggregated to give a community footprint. The two models can be used simultaneously and comparatively. Meghan said that the IMPACT Tool gave an estimated figure for a community’s carbon footprint, and the results provide a useful starting point for generating discussion and debate and for identifying priorities. The tool provides a snapshot but can be run at the start and end of a community project to illustrate benefits.

You can download Megan's presentation below.